How to buy tickets to Nissan Stadium


UVERworld tickets are given out with an overseas lottery via their fan-club "Neo SOUND WAVE". If you are not signed up to it, please read this tutorial on how to.

Unfortunately, there is no general sale of the tickets, you are required to have an account. 
Please note that this tutorial was made for ticket sale #1, however most of this procedure applies to #2.

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Change language from 日本語 (Japanese) to English. This is done in the top right of the page

Step 3: Login to your Neo SOUND WAVE account, This is f
ound on the right side of the navigation bar. 

Step 4: Login to your Neo SOUND WAVE account with your email address and password and press "Log in"

If at this stage instead of being directed to the login screen you are directed to UVERworld's privacy policy page, please clear your cookies for the website, and then press "accept" on the cookies banner at the bottom right of the page.
Then you can repeat steps from Step 2.

Step 5: On the main-page, scroll down, you will find two columns: "NEWS" & "NSW INFO". 

Step 6: 
on the "NSW INFO" column, you will find a post called "UVERworld NISSAN STADIUM LIVE International Fan Club Member Ticket Office" click on it. When applying for the 2nd lottery, please click on "UVERworld NISSAN STADIUM LIVE International Fan Club Member Ticket Office(2nd Lottery)"

Step 7: you will be sent to the news page. Scroll down until you see the link for "Order Here" and click on the link.

Step 8: You will be brought to the main ticket page, which can also be found here
Make sure to read through the page as it includes important information about both performances.

Step 9: Once you have read through the information, scroll to the bottom of the page and tick the "confirmed" tick-box.

Step 10: The "Application" button at the bottom of the page will now become available. press it to proceed.

Step 12: Here you will be given the option of which live to apply for. Either 2023.07.29 or 2023.07.30(note that this date is those of the male sex only).

If you are looking to apply for both dates, please do each application separately.

In this case, we will choose 2023.07.30, however the process for applying for either dates is the same.

Step 13: From here, as long as you are logged in to your Neo SOUND WAVE account (if not, refer to Steps 3-4), you will be sent through member authentication automatically.
Once this is done, click "next" on the page.

Step 14: Here you will be re-directed to the PIA site, which is the ticketing site UVERworld is using. Make sure to read all the information on the page.

Step 15: Once you have read the page, scroll to the bottom and press "next".

Step 16: Next you will be taken to the precautions page, again, please read carefully.

Step 17: Once you have read the page, scroll to the bottom and press, click on the tick box.

Step 18: Once you have pressed the tick box, the "agree" button will appear, click on it to proceed to the next step.

Step 19: You will be brought to the application input page.

19.1: Input your first and last name, do not use any spaces.

19.2: Input your gender (only Female or Male is allowed)

19.3: Input your birthday (year/Month/day)

19.4: Input your phone number (1st box, 3 numbers - 2nd box, 4 numbers - 3rd box, 4 numbers)

19.5: Input your email address in two boxes.

19.6: Input your nationality in the drop down.

19.7: Set a password, this will be used for your application status page.

Step 20: Once you have inputted the data and checked that it is all correct, go to the bottom of the page and click "Desired Performance(s)" to proceed to the next step.
Step 21: Select the live that you wish to attend and then press "type of seat select".

Step 22: Select the type of ticket you want. An arena seat is on the grounds of the arena. A stand seat is on the normal seating area. Please note that the arena seat will come with a souvenir (has yet to be announced).
Press "the amount of tickets" once you are done.

Step 23: Here you are able to choose how many tickets you wish to have, you can have up to four. at the venue, you will be next to each other.

From the drop down select anywhere from 1 to 4

step 24: Once you are happy with your selection, press "Confirmation"

Step 25: Here you have the opportunity to have have a 2nd chance at the lottery (we do not recommend this as in past experience the overseas lottery has never had any losses). If you are ok with just your one application, proceed by pressing "Settlement Method".

Step 26: Here you will need to fill out your bank details, unfortunately you cannot pay with PayPal in this case.

26.1: Input your Credit Card number

26.2: Input your cards expiration date, write the year in full (e.g. 2028)

26.3 Input your CVV code

Step 27: Once you have checked over your information, press "Ticket issuance of Tickets"

Step 28: There isn't anything you can do here, as the only option is to have your admission sent to you via the Neo SOUND WAVE app, we will expand on this later closer to the release of the lottery results.
Please press "Final confirmation".

Step 29: You will be sent to the confirmation screen where you will need to look through all your application details to check that they are correct. If you are happy with it, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and complete the "Authentication Characters" section, it will ask you to type out numbers, if you are struggling, press the "display another image" button.

Once you have done this, Click on the check box that says "I confirm and agree to all the application content above and make an application."
Step 30: Once you have ticked the box, the "entry" button will appear, please click on it, this will process your application.
Step 31: Your application will now have been proceeded! Congratulations. You will also be sent an email with. the details of your application. Please keep note of your application receipt number and application password which will be used to view the application results on the PIA website.

If you need anymore help with the application, feel free to contact UVERwave on any of our social media.

Alternately, please contact PIA as they will be able to help you with your personal details more clearly.

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